

Embed your Milanote boards in subpages

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Milanote is a visual collaboration platform that helps individuals and teams to organize, plan, and share ideas and information in a visual and interactive way. If you wish to insert Milanote projects on your subpage, you can embed them easily.

How to embed Milanote projects inside SubPage?

1Open the board for sharing and click on the share option at the top right.

2Then enable the toggle for read-only and click on the link.

Share read only - comments off.png

3Inside the SubPage Editor, click on the 'Add Video or Embeds' option from the top toolbar.

Final new image.png

4In the dialog that opens, choose 'Milanote' from the dropdown. Paste the URL in the 'Embed URL or code' field and click on the 'Insert' button.

Screen Shot 2023-07-12 at 3.00.44 PM.png

5The Milanote project will be embedded inside your subpage.

Screen Shot 2023-06-20 at 6.55.34 PM.png

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